messing with the cat


What to do when you meet a lizard

3 professional soccer players against 100 children

interior design

falling rock

beatboxing bird

Apple AR goggles

This is interesting to me as a demonstration of what is possible with an infinite budget and state of art technology. I couldn't help thinking however, as the reviewer talked about Apple TV, Apple Safari, Apple Facetime, and all the other apple applications, that this won't work well (or at all) with third party appliances and therefore the user is locked into a platform with full control and knowledge of their physical environment, biophysical signature, and in perfect control of their attention.

I would abandon the internet if viewing ads were a necessity. Apple is positioning themselves as the gatekeeper to my computing environment and I don't like giving that power to a for-profit third-party.

Further discussion

space rescue

European in America

Hey are you seeing commercials? Install uBlock on firefox, safari, or chrome