
The mammal


Trousermonkey was the embarrassing nickname I chose late one night when I was in high school. I decided it was unique enough to keep as an internet handle.

The site

This site was written in vim and uses bootstrap for the layout. On the back-end I'm running django with nginx and uwsgi.

This is the fourth iteration of the site. Before this design I used a css template called multiflex and before that I had code that would compile everything into a static tree after every change.

Search is enabled by haystack and whoosh!. It could use some love.

For security and paranoia, the javascript files I use are hosted by me and not a third party. I use a script called highslide to handle the thumbnail expansion animation.

On the video page I use a script called youtubeembed to help reduce the bandwidth footprint on my videos page. This replaces videos with a thumbnail that disappears when you click the play button. It requires an extra mouse click to get a video started but considering each embedded video needs 400K and there are 10 on that page it should really speed up how fast the page loads.

All the content is written in reStructuredText, stored in a sqlite database, and converted to html on the fly.

I run a variety of django applications for dynamic content and the static pictures and documents pages are generated using the django templating engine and python code. All the thumbnail code was written by hand.

I used git for version control, the gimp for image editing, and everything was done on linux in a tmux session.

The site is currently running on an odroid C4 with a ssd. It's been running for several years now and seems much more stable than previous solutions (I killed a half dozen microsd cards running it on a raspberry pi). I have it mirrored in a docker container for local development/emergency failover.

./cezanne_artist_with_rose_background.jpg ./courbet_pipe.jpg ./elgreco-cardinal.jpg ./gericault_insane.jpg ./ingres_source.jpg ./picasso_pallares.jpg ./vangogh_mr-trabuc.jpg ./vangogh_roulin.jpg ./vangogh_skull-cigarette.jpg ./vermeer-earring.jpg