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2018-09-12 07:25
Lessons from the Warsaw ghetto
2018-09-12 07:25
Pharma executive increases drug price 400% and says it's a moral requirement to make money
2018-09-12 07:25
white house working to roll back methane regulations
2018-09-12 07:25
why is college so expensive in America
2018-09-12 07:25
the US has spent $1.5trillion on wars since sept 11th
2018-09-12 07:25
the real cost of the 2009 financial crisis
2018-09-12 07:25
FCC head helps charter kill consumer protection rules in Minnesota
2018-09-12 07:25
ISP says net neutrality gives free internet to google and netflix
2018-09-12 07:25
the lawmakers that regulated wall street now work for them
2018-09-12 07:24
microsoft will charge windows 7 users a monthly fee for updates
2018-09-12 07:24
Using gmail means your forced to login with chrome
2018-09-12 07:24
Equifax collected your data without consent, lost it, and faced no consequences
2018-09-12 07:24
Instead of news youtube delivers right wing tirades
2018-09-12 07:24
Kavanaugh considers birth control "abortion-inducing drugs"
2018-09-12 07:24
president yells at his generals for not making money off of libya's oil
2018-09-12 07:24
white house to circumvent court limits on the detention of child migrants
2018-09-12 07:24
A democratic crisis
2018-09-12 07:24
cabinet member says they're subverting the president to save America
2018-09-12 07:24
president threatens shutdown over border wall
2018-09-12 07:24
white house dismisses intelligence report that says refugees aren't dangerous
2018-09-12 07:24
ICE subpoenias 44 NC election boards
2018-09-12 07:24
North Carolina's unconstitutional gerrymandered map will be used in midterms
2018-09-12 07:24
the EUs looming internet catastrophe
2018-09-12 07:24
building a better apple
2018-09-12 07:24
Quilips death
2018-09-12 07:24
the NSA blames technical issues for the reason it broke the law
2018-09-12 07:24
the EU wants to force all artists to use youtube
2018-09-12 07:24
eight bird species confirmed extinct
2018-09-12 07:24
youtube and netflix throttled by wireless carriers
2018-09-12 07:24
five eyes demands government access to encrypted data
2018-09-12 07:24
prosecuting the homeless for sleeping outside might violate the constitution
2018-09-12 07:24
how to use racism to reduce environmental protection
2018-09-12 07:24
not on track to cap temperature at below 2 degrees
2018-09-03 20:31
piracy extortion letters are easy to avoid without logs
2018-09-03 20:31
why I fixed fights
2018-09-03 20:31
telco lobbyists send their talking points about shifting the blame to internet companies to a reporter
2018-09-03 20:31
building a super nintendo out of a wireless keyboard
2018-09-03 20:30
In Arizona they've banned plastic bag bans
2018-09-03 20:30
education secretary working hard to protect the scandal ridden for profit education industry from accountability
2018-09-03 20:30
US denying passports to americans along the border
2018-09-03 20:30
ICE arrests 160 at a trailer manufacturer in Texas
2018-09-03 20:30
white house stockpiling negative reports on marijuana
2018-09-03 20:30
president's lawyer paid to lobby romanian president
2018-09-03 20:30
crippling costs of war reporting and investigative journalism
2018-09-03 20:30
FCC can define markets with only one ISP as "competitive"
2018-09-03 20:30
mediacal researcher rediscovers integration
2018-09-03 20:30
litigating abuse at a vermont orphanage
2018-09-03 20:30
air pollution causes an apparent reduction in intelligence
2018-09-03 20:30
robocalls tell seniors net neutrality will raise their bills by $30
2018-09-03 20:30
president changes the subject by attacking google
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na consumes more media
Swear in your search requests
emptying the trash
basically what I suspect all cats of doing all the time
You've got a leak! Oh nevermind
refereeing a rat fight
cat attack
Bixby Bridge
Visiting Kayla
Biking through fort ord
Anchovy swarm
Ja's California Pictures
Ginger Ale
Sourdough Sweetbread
Sourdough English Muffins