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2018-11-17 16:53
exploding federal deficit
2018-11-17 16:53
explaining immigration law to 3 year olds
2018-11-17 16:53
metafilter on the state of the nation
2018-11-17 16:53
attorney general ignoring subpoenas
2018-11-17 16:53
comey used his private email for fbi business
2018-11-17 16:53
new attorney general scammed veterans of their life savings
2018-11-17 16:53
antitrust on the rise of fascism
2018-11-17 16:53
billionaires deciding elections
2018-11-17 16:53
dead rapist wins in nevada
2018-11-17 16:53
Georgian candidate doxes 230k absentee voters
2018-11-17 16:53
florida puts polls in gated communities
2018-11-17 16:53
on number numbness
2018-11-17 16:53
100 companies responsible for 71% of greenhouse gas emissions
2018-11-17 16:53
federal judge allows republicans to block native americans from voting in North Dakota
2018-11-17 16:53
new apple hardware has a security chip that will prevent you from installing linux
2018-11-17 16:53
billionaires became 20% richer in 2017
2018-11-17 16:53
OCR in her anus
2018-11-17 16:53
EPA removes their climate change page
2018-11-17 16:53
oceans warming faster than predicted
2018-11-17 16:53
you can't be a christian and shoot migrants
2018-11-17 16:53
Verizon won't speed up 5G rollout despite the FCC preempting local fees
2018-11-17 16:53
president strips citizenship from children of immigrants disqualifying himself for presidentcy
2018-11-17 16:53
president shuts down programs to counter violent extremism
2018-11-17 16:53
republicans lying about their position on pre-existing conditions
2018-11-17 16:53
surge in right wing violence
2018-11-17 16:53
DFW on Lynch
2018-11-17 16:53
FCC republican claims municipal broadband is a threat to the first admendment
2018-11-17 16:53
the financial incentive of red light cameras
2018-11-17 16:53
$50k for an allergy test
2018-11-17 16:53
younger americans are better at distinguishing facts from opinions
The correlation is exposure to television news
2018-11-17 16:53
little rocks illegal drug war
2018-11-17 16:53
you are jeff bezos
2018-11-17 16:53
white house approves plan to drill for oil in the artic
2018-11-17 16:53
what is gab
2018-11-17 16:53
Richard Stallman in math 55
2018-11-17 16:53
Richard Stallman talking to the mailman
2018-11-17 16:53
ISPs ransacking people's homes
2018-11-17 16:53
seattle accidentally gives out 32million emails for $40
2018-11-17 16:53
how russia is influencing the midterm elections
2018-11-17 16:53
FCC kills rules that would have helped Florida recover from the hurricane
2018-11-17 16:53
IoT thermometer targets regions with clorox ads
2018-11-17 16:52
Feds request information on innocent people's location
2018-11-17 16:52
White house rolling back transgender people's civil rights
2018-11-17 16:52
humanity unlikely to survive the 21st century
2018-11-17 16:52
Brazil descends to fascism
2018-11-17 16:52
White house says nordic-style social democracy would fail in the US because there aren't enough white people here.
2018-11-17 16:52
Arizona cancels vaccination program
2018-11-17 16:52
Georgia using handwriting analysis to disenfranchise
2018-11-17 16:52
GOP chairman leading nazi attack on democratic campaign office
2018-11-17 16:52
Georgian voting starts admist voter supression
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na consumes more media
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emptying the trash
basically what I suspect all cats of doing all the time
You've got a leak! Oh nevermind
refereeing a rat fight
cat attack
Bixby Bridge
Visiting Kayla
Biking through fort ord
Anchovy swarm
Ja's California Pictures
Ginger Ale
Sourdough Sweetbread
Sourdough English Muffins