But for political reasons information about when or where he worked is classified
I wonder when these death panels will start in the US. But it's all right because rich people won't have to worry about being left to suffocate to death.
I'm sure the choice was between going silent so poor people stay at home and die or admit the problem and watch the stock market crash.
But it worked - so I guess most of our media will be exaggerated from now on.
This is an interesting/dystopian idea. This company offers to sequester carbon for you as a service. Regardless if this is legitimate, effective, or worthwhile I'm fascinated by the idea that we now feel so guilty that this is a viable corporate endeavour. It reminds me of an idle thought I had Italy that catholic guilt built the Florence cathedrals. This company is trying to capitalize on this guilt although the end result would presumably be less concrete than a beautiful building or communal space.
I wonder how long before reporting on this will become passé
"very no."