The Iguanadon

Oh, hello! Who's my favorite dinosaur? The iguanadon of course. Just look at this boy.


But why does he have those burly arms and weird prehensile thumbs?

/media/images/iguanadon_thumbs1.jpg /media/images/iguanadon_thumbs2.jpg

For choking a bitch.


Right on. The iguanadon is objectively the best dinosaur.

Space X


This is a frame captured from the video coming out of Boca Chica. If you haven't seen these videos you should at least watch one - the progress they're making is incredible.

I know the CEO is a psychopath with an immoral amount of money but this is still so cool.

Muppet Movie pitch


Shut up and take my money.

The Truth by Stanislaw Lem


You can read the newly translated story here. The very fifth post of this blog, made in 2009 was about the death of Stanislaw Lem, my favorite science fiction author.

I've always felt bitter more people didn't recognize his work. I'm not sure why he's suddenly getting all this publicity. I've seen three articles discussing his legacy the last several weeks and now we're getting a newly translated short story.

This story is a standard trope in Lem's fiction but I think the punchline is spoiled by the synopsis found at the top of the page. If you trust me when I say its good and have the patience to read a 9000 word short story, skip over the synopsis, scroll past the picture, and just read it from the beginning (starting with "Here I sit").

American police


Minnesota police want people to carry their cards in a special bag so officers won't get scared and shoot them when they ask for their license. Wow, police work must be a pretty dangerous and violent job. Let's see some death statistics.


I only bust it open for Jesus
