Spellchecker in Helix


An image search for 'helix pipe' returned a bunch of images of whatever this is

There's currently no official support for spellchecking in helix but it supports the LSP protocol and there are tools that will provide spelling and grammar checking over LSP. I've setup my editor to use ltex-ls. It's slow (written in java) and it won't actually fix the spelling but it's better than nothing until we get official support. Here's how I set it up.

Start by downloading and unzipping the application.

Then modify your .config/helix/languages.toml with this (using your path to the ltex-ls binary):

name = "markdown"
language-servers = [{ name = "ltex"}]
soft-wrap.enable = true
soft-wrap.wrap-indicator = ""
# scope = "source.markdown"
file-types = ["md", "txt", "tex"]

command = "/home/na/app/ltex-ls/bin/ltex-ls"

Restart helix and it should automatically start loading the LSP (you'll see a spinner in the status bar).

By default ltex-ls is set for american english but you can set other langues like this.

This was taken from a blog post that talks about setting up a note taking app in helix.